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Enterprise Integration Applications

Save 80% time on complex
API integrations

Standardize and simplify integrations with APIs and legacy platforms with ease. Create instant hybrid applications with the elasticity and scalability of cloud with none of the pain.
Squid Cloud is the first fully integrated
compute, data, and API platform
Connect and secure any API
Easily publish webhooks from any data set
Create serverless functions for your data instantly
Hosted data functions and compute platform
Secure APIs easily with fully compliant audit logging
Lightweight but flexible CLI and SDKs
Built-in hybrid cloud and edge connectors
Scalable out-of-the-box data mutations
10x ROI from your integrations
  • Connect in seconds to multiple APIs, whether they’re public, private, on-premise, or in the cloud
  • Instantly find all endpoints and methods, even if there are thousands, through Squid’s auto-discovery
  • Build applications with a diverse set of APIs without switching platforms or providers
  • Create your own APIs and endpoints to standardize API responses to return only what you want, in the format you need
  • Squid AI provides help and example code to make developers even more productive.
Dark data no more
Between 40-90% of enterprise data lie unused, locked within siloed, hard-to-reach legacy systems*. Reach datasets and interfaces you would normally not have access to, securely, no matter how obscure.
API keys and database passwords are stored in Squid’s secrets manager. Keys can be automatically injected in headers or queries.
APIs and datasets can be called securely and directly from the client, eliminating coordination and extra development time.
Key rotation and role-based access controls set according to your company policy are always applied, bringing peace of mind.
Create simple and standardized endpoints for any set of APIs
Build APIs or webhooks to simplify unwieldy API responses with just a few lines of code.
Ready to get started?
Simplify your APIs in minutes
Get Started for Free